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Model Exams and Project Work Evaluation

in this blog we give you a brief description of our students attending model exams and their project work


Exams : Internal Examination

Topic : Subjects:-

1.      General Anatomy & Physiology

2.      Ocular Biochemistry

3.      Geometrical Optics

4.      Nutrition

Oral, written and internal exams are common methods of assessment used in educational settings to evaluate students knowledge, skills and learning progress.  

1.      Oral Exams :

     Oral exams involve students answering questions verbally, usually in front of a teacher or examiner.  These exams test the students ability to articulate their thoughts, understanding, and knowledge of a subject.

2. Written Exams :

     Written exams involve students answering questions in writing, either on paper or electronically.  These assessments typically focus on the recall, application, and analysis of knowledge.

3.      Internal Exams:

     Internal exams are assessments conducted within the educational institution.  These exams are designed to measure students progress during a course or academic year.

Key Differences:

·         Oral Exams focus on communication and reasoning abilities.

·         Written Exams measure the ability to recall, apply, and analyse knowledge.

·         Internal Exams offer on going assessment that helps track students performance throughout a course, often combing both oral and written components.

These three types of exams complement each other and provide a more rounded picture of a students abilities.

     Projects work done by students is an important form of assessment, especially in fields that require practical application of knowledge, research, or creativity.  Examining and awarding marks for student project work typically involves several steps to evaluate the quality, originality, and depth of the work. 

Project work evaluation

     Projects are assessed based on several criteria: originality, depth of research, quality of work, relevance to course material, and presentation skills.  Students are also required to present their projects, showcasing their ability to communicate effectively and defend their findings.  Each project is graded according to a detailed rubric to ensure fair and consistent evaluation, with marks allocated for written reports,  practical demonstration and presentations

     The feedback provided helps students identify strengths and areas for improvement, guiding their future work.  Project marks contribute to the overall course grade, highlighting students ability to apply theoretical knowledge in real-world contexts.  Our goal is to foster critical thinking, creativity, and problem-solving skills in every student.

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